Our Approach

Learning Bug Preschool is a Reggio Emilia inspired program. We understand that children show their understanding in a variety of ways, and we aim to provide them with many mediums to do so. As such, our classroom environment is a purposeful space. We are a very intentional with the materials that we place in our learning centers. Material must provoke the children to go deep in their inquiries and express their understanding in many ways.
Our classroom is designed to be calm and reflective of our students interest and wonders. The children will be introduced to diverse cultures through educational units, music, language, and students backgrounds. Toys and printed material will reflect many ethnicities and cultures.
Children are active learners who learn best from activities that they plan, carry out, and reflect on. We set up intentional play activities and explorations that meet the needs of individual students. We provide high quality instruction, and care for every student who comes into our classroom.
Our children learn to through our woven educational approach. We focus on art, social-emotional skills, language, writing, math, science, and Spanish.
Our role is to support them as they explore the world and not limit their learning by exclusively teaching to our viewpoint or understanding. The children have control over topics or “units of study” that they want to learn about. We engage them and allow them to experience their learning.